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Coeus: A System for Oblivious Document Ranking and Retrieval

Published: 26 October 2021 Publication History


Given a private string q and a remote server that holds a set of public documents D, how can one of the K most relevant documents to q in D be selected and viewed without anyone (not even the server) learning anything about q or the document? This is the oblivious document ranking and retrieval problem. In this paper, we describe Coeus, a system that solves this problem. At a high level, Coeus composes two cryptographic primitives: secure matrix-vector product for scoring document relevance using the widely-used term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) method, and private information retrieval (PIR) for obliviously retrieving documents. However, Coeus reduces the time to run these protocols, thereby improving the user-perceived latency, which is a key performance metric. Coeus first reduces the PIR overhead by separating out private metadata retrieval from document retrieval, and it then scales secure matrix-vector product to tf-idf matrices with several hundred billion elements through a series of novel cryptographic refinements. For a corpus of English Wikipedia containing 5 million documents, a keyword dictionary with 64K keywords, and on a cluster of 143 machines on AWS, Coeus enables a user to obliviously rank and retrieve a document in 3.9 seconds---a 24x improvement over a baseline system.


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SOSP '21: Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 28th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
October 2021
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Published: 26 October 2021

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  3. secure matrix-vector product


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