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OptDebug: Fault-Inducing Operation Isolation for Dataflow Applications

Published: 01 November 2021 Publication History


Fault-isolation is extremely challenging in large scale data processing in cloud environments. Data provenance is a dominant existing approach to isolate data records responsible for a given output. However, data provenance concerns fault isolation only in the data-space, as opposed to fault isolation in the code-space---how can we precisely localize operations or APIs responsible for a given suspicious or incorrect result?
We present OptDebug that identifies fault-inducing operations in a dataflow application using three insights. First, debugging is easier with a small-scale input than a large-scale input. So it uses data provenance to simplify the original input records to a smaller set leading to test failures and test successes. Second, keeping track of operation provenance is crucial for debugging. Thus, it leverages automated taint analysis to propagate the lineage of operations downstream with individual records. Lastly, each operation may contribute to test failures to a different degree. Thus OptDebug ranks each operation's spectra---the relative participation frequency in failing vs. passing tests. In our experiments, OptDebug achieves 100% recall and 86% precision in terms of detecting faulty operations and reduces the debugging time by 17x compared to a naïve approach. Overall, OptDebug shows great promise in improving developer productivity in today's complex data processing pipelines by obviating the need to re-execute the program repetitively with different inputs and manually examine program traces to isolate buggy code.

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SoCC '21: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing
November 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 01 November 2021


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  1. bug isolation
  2. data intensive scalable computing
  3. debugging
  4. taint analysis


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SoCC '21
SoCC '21: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing
November 1 - 4, 2021
WA, Seattle, USA

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