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View all- Thuppilikkat ADhar DChandra P(2024)Union Makes Us Strong: Space, Technology, and On-Demand Ridesourcing Digital Labour PlatformsProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36870028:CSCW2(1-36)Online publication date: 8-Nov-2024
- Nedzhvetskaya NTan J(2024)Labor's Stake in Shaping Tech FuturesInteractions10.1145/366599031:4(50-53)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2024
- Avle S(2022)Hardware and data in the platform era: Chinese smartphones in AfricaMedia, Culture & Society10.1177/0163443722112893544:8(1473-1489)Online publication date: 18-Oct-2022