Cited By
View all- Cho KJeon SRaad AKang J(2023)Memento: A Framework for Detectable Recoverability in Persistent MemoryProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages10.1145/35912327:PLDI(292-317)Online publication date: 6-Jun-2023
Research on multi-core algorithms is adapting rapidly to the new opportunities and challenges posed by persistent memory. One of these challenges is the fundamental problem of formalizing the behaviour of concurrent objects in the presence of crash ...
We presents a novel abstract individual-process crash-recovery model for non-volatile memory, which enables modularity, so that complex recoverable objects can be constructed in a modular manner from simpler recoverable base objects. Within the ...
Recoverable mutual exclusion (RME) is a variation on the classic mutual exclusion (ME) problem that allows processes to crash and recover. The time complexity of RME algorithms is quantified in the same way as for ME, namely by counting remote memory ...
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