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Blockchain Technology for Cloud Storage: A Systematic Literature Review

Published: 03 August 2020 Publication History


The demand for Blockchain innovation and the significance of its application has inspired ever-progressing exploration in various scientific and practical areas. Even though it is still in the initial testing stage, the blockchain is being viewed as a progressive solution to address present-day technology concerns, such as decentralization, identity, trust, character, ownership of data, and information-driven choices. Simultaneously, the world is facing an increase in the diversity and quantity of digital information produced by machines and users. While effectively looking for the ideal approach to storing and processing cloud data, the blockchain innovation provides significant inputs. This article reviews the application of blockchain technology for securing cloud storage.


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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 53, Issue 4
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Published: 03 August 2020
Accepted: 01 May 2020
Revised: 01 February 2020
Received: 01 October 2019
Published in CSUR Volume 53, Issue 4


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