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10.1145/2398776.2398795acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesimcConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Multi-scale dynamics in a massive online social network

Published: 14 November 2012 Publication History


Data confidentiality policies at major social network providers have severely limited researchers' access to large-scale datasets. The biggest impact has been on the study of network dynamics, where researchers have studied citation graphs and content-sharing networks, but few have analyzed detailed dynamics in the massive social networks that dominate the web today. In this paper, we present results of analyzing detailed dynamics in a large Chinese social network, covering a period of 2 years when the network grew from its first user to 19 million users and 199 million edges. Rather than validate a single model of network dynamics, we analyze dynamics at different granularities (per-user, per-community, and network-wide) to determine how much, if any, users are influenced by dynamics processes at different scales. We observe independent predictable processes at each level, and find that the growth of communities has moderate and sustained impact on users. In contrast, we find that significant events such as network merge events have a strong but short-lived impact on users, and they are quickly eclipsed by the continuous arrival of new users.

Supplementary Material

PDF File (52.pdf)
Summary Review Documentation for "Multi-scale Dynamics in a Massive Online Social Network", Authors: X. Zhao, A. Sala, C. Wilson, X. Wang, S. Gaito, H. Zheng, and B. Y. Zhao


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IMC '12: Proceedings of the 2012 Internet Measurement Conference
November 2012
572 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 14 November 2012


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  1. dynamic graphs
  2. online social networks


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IMC '12: Internet Measurement Conference
November 14 - 16, 2012
Massachusetts, Boston, USA

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