Cited By
View all- Li CZeng QDuan HXie N(2019)A Mapping-Based Sharing Approach for Heterogeneous XML Data Supporting User PersonalizationIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2019.29223107(76789-76805)Online publication date: 2019
This paper presents a system for efficient data transformations between XML and relational databases, called XML Data Mediator (XDM). XDM enables the transformation by externalizing the specification of the mapping in a script and using an efficient run-...
XML is an emerging standard for the representation and exchange of Internet data. Along with document type definition (DTD), XML permits the execution of a collection of queries, using XPath to identify data in XML documents. In this paper we examine ...
Very few research works have been done on XML access control over relational databases despite the fact that there is an undeniable amount of XML data stored in RDBMS. Moreover, the proposed algorithms in the literature have performance drawbacks. In ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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