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A Park or A Highway: Overcoming Tensions in Designing for Socio-emotional and Informational Needs in Online Health Communities

Published: 25 February 2017 Publication History


Over the years online health communities (OHCs) have become an important source of information regarding health management and a place for social interaction and emotional support. Previous research suggested that these two types of social support have intricate and complex relationships. In this paper, we report on the results from a secondary analysis of qualitative interviews conducted during several studies examining how individuals make sense of the information collected within an online forum dedicated to diabetes self-management, TuDiabetes. The analysis suggested that informational and socio-emotional needs can at times complement each other, but can also lead to contradictory priorities and expectations for OHC members. Specifically, the study suggested that there are important tensions between these two positions in regards to appropriate topics and focus of conversations, the desire for homogeneity and diversity in opinions, the perceived importance of identifying authoritative voices, and the importance of personal and health-related information in contextualizing members' posts. We discuss these tensions and draw implications for the design of future OHCs.


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    CSCW '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
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    1. collective sensemaking
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    6. online health community
    7. socio-emotional needs


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