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The design, implementation, and evaluation of Jade

Published: 01 May 1998 Publication History


Jade is a portable, implicitly parallel language designed for exploiting task-level concurrency.Jade programmers start with a program written in a standard serial, imperative language, then use Jade constructs to declare how parts of the program access data. The Jade implementation uses this data access information to automatically extract the concurrency and map the application onto the machine at hand. The resulting parallel execution preserves the semantics of the original serial program. We have implemented Jade as an extension to C, and Jade implementations exist for s hared-memory multiprocessors, homogeneous message-passing machines, and heterogeneous networks of workstations. In this atricle we discuss the design goals and decisions that determined the final form of Jade and present an overview of the Jade implementation. We also present our experience using Jade to implement several complete scientific and engineering applications. We use this experience to evaluate how the different Jade language features were used in practice and how well Jade as a whole supports the process of developing parallel applications. We find that the basic idea of preserving the serial semantics simplifies the program development process, and that the concept of using data access specifications to guide the parallelization offers significant advantages over more traditional control-based approaches. We also find that the Jade data model can interact poorly with concurrency patterns that write disjoint pieces of a single aggregate data structure, although this problem arises in only one of the applications.


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M. S. Joy

Jade is an extension of C that is designed to be run on a parallel machine. It is a sequential language, and process concurrency is introduced automatically by analysis of the source code. Jade uses constructs to indicate where data within a program may be accessed by multiple processes. If all such constructs are edited out of a program, the result is a C program. Furthermore, the semantics of a Jade program is identical to that of the sequential C program which it extends; this equivalence speeds up the development of parallel programs. Jade has been implemented and tested on a variety of parallel platforms, including a shared-memory machine (the Stanford DASH) and a message-passing platform (the Intel iPSC/860). Statistics are presented comparing six test programs using both platforms and between 1 and 32 processors. The speedup is almost linear for many of the tests where the process granularity is not too fine, but overhead related to process creation causes poor performance in examples where too many short-lived processes are created. This valuable, interesting, and exceptionally clear paper addresses all aspects of the design and implementation of the language. Although Jade is not meant to be a general-purpose programming language, since it cannot express certain kinds of parallel algorithm, the authors have demonstrated the viability of their paradigm when applied to suitable programming tasks.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 20, Issue 3
May 1998
248 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 1998
Published in TOPLAS Volume 20, Issue 3


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