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Algorithm 958: Lattice Builder: A General Software Tool for Constructing Rank-1 Lattice Rules

Published: 24 May 2016 Publication History


We introduce a new software tool and library named Lattice Builder, written in C++, that implements a variety of construction algorithms for good rank-1 lattice rules. It supports exhaustive and random searches, as well as component-by-component (CBC) and random CBC constructions, for any number of points, and for various measures of (non)uniformity of the points. The measures currently implemented are all shift-invariant and represent the worst-case integration error for certain classes of integrands. They include, for example, the weighted Pα square discrepancy, the Rα criterion, and figures of merit based on the spectral test, with projection-dependent weights. Each of these measures can be computed as a finite sum. For the Pα and Rα criteria, efficient specializations of the CBC algorithm are provided for projection-dependent, order-dependent, and product weights. For numbers of points that are integer powers of a prime base, the construction of embedded rank-1 lattice rules is supported through any of these algorithms, and through a fast CBC algorithm, with a variety of possibilities for the normalization of the merit values of individual embedded levels and for their combination into a single merit value. The library is extensible, thanks to the decomposition of the algorithms into decoupled components, which makes it easy to implement new types of weights, new search domains, new figures of merit, and so on.

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (958.zip)
Software for Lattice Builder: A General Software Tool for Constructing Rank-1 Lattice Rules


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  1. Algorithm 958: Lattice Builder: A General Software Tool for Constructing Rank-1 Lattice Rules



    Sanzheng Qiao

    The problem of numerically integrating multidimensional functions arises from function approximation, optimization, and solving partial differential equations, among others. The number of function evaluations, the major cost of numerical integration, required by quadrature rules such as Simpson's rule or the Gaussian quadrature rule, grows exponentially as the dimension increases. An alternative method is the Monte Carlo method, in which the integrand is evaluated at random points in the integration region. Obviously, a good random point generator is critical. It is known that multidimensional points with each component uniformly distributed in one dimension tend to appear in clusters, causing errors. This software tool, Lattice Builder, constructs good integration lattices for multidimensional numerical integration. To be precise, this tool uses rank-1 lattice rules to ensure that the points generated do not superpose on each other in lower-dimensional projections. Lattice rules are specific to applications. This software searches for the lattice rules suitable for a particular application by providing parameters. Good software should give the user a choice. The modular design of the software allows the user to use his or her own program to replace an existing component, for example, lattice type, traversal type, or weight type. The software provides three user interfaces: an application programming interface (API), a command-line interface (CLI), and a graphical user interface (GUI). The user can develop his or her modules through the API. This software is a first major step in building lattice rules. Further developments and contributions from users are necessary. This paper reports extensive experimental results. More interpretations of the results would be helpful. A user's guide that includes sample runs of typical problems would be useful. The documentation in the code needs to be improved. Well-documented code is essential for maintenance and user contributions. The software package can be downloaded from http://github.com/umontreal-simul. Online Computing Reviews Service

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    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
    ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 42, Issue 2
    June 2016
    156 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 24 May 2016
    Accepted: 01 March 2015
    Revised: 01 October 2014
    Received: 01 September 2012
    Published in TOMS Volume 42, Issue 2


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    Author Tags

    1. CBC construction
    2. Lattice rules
    3. figures of merit
    4. multidimensional integration
    5. quasi-Monte Carlo


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