W4A camp report: "2013 edition"
W4A camp report 2014 edition
W4A '15: Proceedings of the 12th International Web for All ConferenceThe usual unconference W4A Camp was held at the end of the conference, when we gathered in an informal place and got engaged in informal discussions over issues that we deemed important for us, for our work, for research, and for accessibility in ...
W4A camp report: "2012 edition"
W4A '13: Proceedings of the 10th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web AccessibilityThe W4A Camp is an all day event set up to discuss accessibility research. Participants decide the topics to be discussed and they also organise the session during morning devoted to the camp. It is an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people ...
Why read if you can skim: towards enabling faster screen reading
W4A '12: Proceedings of the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web AccessibilitySkimming broadly refers to different speed-reading methods that aim to enhance the rate of reading without unduly compromising on comprehension and retention of information. Skimming of content could be particularly useful for people with vision ...
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- General Chairs:
- Jeffrey P. Bigham,
- Yevgen Borodin,
- Program Chair:
- Luis Carriço
- Google Inc.
- ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
- Zakon Group
- Ability Magazine: Ability Magazine
- IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee
- TPG: The Paciello Group
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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- Research-article
- Ability Magazine
- IW3C2
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