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Data stream clustering: A survey

Published: 11 July 2013 Publication History


Data stream mining is an active research area that has recently emerged to discover knowledge from large amounts of continuously generated data. In this context, several data stream clustering algorithms have been proposed to perform unsupervised learning. Nevertheless, data stream clustering imposes several challenges to be addressed, such as dealing with nonstationary, unbounded data that arrive in an online fashion. The intrinsic nature of stream data requires the development of algorithms capable of performing fast and incremental processing of data objects, suitably addressing time and memory limitations. In this article, we present a survey of data stream clustering algorithms, providing a thorough discussion of the main design components of state-of-the-art algorithms. In addition, this work addresses the temporal aspects involved in data stream clustering, and presents an overview of the usually employed experimental methodologies. A number of references are provided that describe applications of data stream clustering in different domains, such as network intrusion detection, sensor networks, and stock market analysis. Information regarding software packages and data repositories are also available for helping researchers and practitioners. Finally, some important issues and open questions that can be subject of future research are discussed.

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Fazli Can

Data streams, which are continuously generated at uncontrollable, rapid rates, are a relatively new form of temporal data object. Data stream clustering (DSC) is an unsupervised data mining process that looks for hidden patterns in dynamic, massive, and unbounded datasets. Possible DSC applications include analysis of ATM transactions, computer network traffic, meteorological observations, and stock market transactions. In such applications, for example, one may want to find new trends and identify followers. The authors present various algorithms. They first provide an overview, followed by the data structures used for summarization, the time window models used for efficiency, outlier detection mechanisms that distinguish outliers from cluster evolution, and standard clustering algorithms used for actual clustering based on the output of the summarization step. In the later sections, the paper discusses temporal aspects that need to be considered during clustering, the assessment of the generated clustering structures, practical applications, software packages available for data stream clustering, challenges of the problem environment, and future research pointers. The paper is rounded out with a taxonomy that helps to distinguish the analyzed algorithms with respect to their important features. This is a useful paper for researchers, with a rich list of references (despite a typographical error in the reference for Faria et al., 2012). The ACM Digital Library provides online access to a short electronic appendix related to the paper with the time complexity analysis of the presented algorithms. The paper is comprehensive and nicely written. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 46, Issue 1
October 2013
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Publication History

Published: 11 July 2013
Accepted: 01 January 2013
Revised: 01 September 2012
Received: 01 June 2012
Published in CSUR Volume 46, Issue 1


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