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How teachers in different educational systems value central concepts of computer science

Published: 08 November 2012 Publication History


The 16 German states exhibit substantial differences regarding the organization as well as the substantial focus of computer science education at their schools. This empirical study investigates how teachers from two German states with different educational systems assess the value of central concepts of computer science. We asked 120 teachers in each country to complete our questionnaire, received 38 responses and applied a specific split-plot design to evaluate the results. The findings show that the assessments by the two groups differ regarding the content concepts model, system, computer, and information. Additionally, we detected differences in the rating of some individual process concepts (analyzing, classifying, finding relationships, generalizing, comparing, and ordering) in relation to the content concept model. These results are consistent with the differences in the focus of the curricula as well as with the content of the teacher education programs in the two states.


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  1. How teachers in different educational systems value central concepts of computer science



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    WiPSCE '12: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education
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    • (2021)A review of models for introducing computational thinking, computer science and computing in K-12 education2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)10.1109/FIE.2016.7757410(1-9)Online publication date: 11-Mar-2021
    • (2015)New Horizons in the Assessment of Computer Science at School and BeyondProceedings of the 2015 ITiCSE on Working Group Reports10.1145/2858796.2858801(117-147)Online publication date: 4-Jul-2015

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