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The ASTOOT approach to testing object-oriented programs

Published: 01 April 1994 Publication History


This article describes a new approach to the unit testing of object-oriented programs, a set of tools based on this approach, and two case studies. In this approach, each test case consists of a tuple of sequences of messages, along with tags indicating whether these sequences should put objects of the class under test into equivalent states and/or return objects that are in equivalent states. Tests are executed by sending the sequences to objects of the class under test, then invoking a user-supplied equivalence-checking mechanism. This approach allows for substantial automation of many aspects of testing, including test case generation, test driver generation, test execution, and test checking. Experimental prototypes of tools for test generation and test execution are described. The test generation tool requires the availability of an algebraic specification of the abstract data type being tested, but the test execution tool can be used when no formal specification is available. Using the test execution tools, case studies involving execution of tens of thousands of test cases, with various sequence lengths, parameters, and combinations of operations were performed. The relationships among likelihood of detecting an error and sequence length, range of parameters, and relative frequency of various operations were investigated for priority queue and sorted-list implementations having subtle errors. In each case, long sequences tended to be more likely to detect the error, provided that the range of parameters was sufficiently large and likelihood of detecting an error tended to increase up to a threshold value as the parameter range increased.


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David A. Gustafson

ASTOOT is a software testing tool that automates many parts of the testing process for object-oriented software. This excellent paper presents a new twist in software testing. It is well worth the effort of reading and understanding it. Researchers in software testing will find several interesting ideas, including generating test cases from an algebraic specification and self-checking tests. The description of the tool is also valuable. The basis for the methodology is a specification for an abstract data type (ADT) that indicates equivalency between different sequences of operations. For example, in many stack ADTs, the sequence of push followed by pop is equivalent to a null operation. Using these equivalencies, one sequence of operations can be converted to an equivalent sequence. The self-checking test case consists of running both sequences and checking that the results (output and resulting object) are equivalent. The objects are shown to be equivalent by recursively removing items. The unfortunate part is that the ASTOOT approach gives no guidance to the general problem of testing object-oriented software. The title of the paper is accurate. It describes the ASTOOT approach. When I first saw the title, I was hoping for information that I could use for testing object-oriented software, but the test cases are not selected on any coverage or criterion basis. In fact, ASTOOT does not select test cases; it only allows the tester to run test cases more efficiently and thus to run more test cases. The contribution of ASTOOT is in making testing easier.

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Published In

cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 3, Issue 2
April 1994
99 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 1994
Published in TOSEM Volume 3, Issue 2


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  1. abstract data types
  2. algebraic specification
  3. object-oriented programming
  4. software testing


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