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RAID: high-performance, reliable secondary storage

Published: 01 June 1994 Publication History


Disk arrays were proposed in the 1980s as a way to use parallelism between multiple disks to improve aggregate I/O performance. Today they appear in the product lines of most major computer manufacturers. This article gives a comprehensive overview of disk arrays and provides a framework in which to organize current and future work. First, the article introduces disk technology and reviews the driving forces that have popularized disk arrays: performance and reliability. It discusses the two architectural techniques used in disk arrays: striping across multiple disks to improve performance and redundancy to improve reliability. Next, the article describes seven disk array architectures, called RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) levels 0–6 and compares their performance, cost, and reliability. It goes on to discuss advanced research and implementation topics such as refining the basic RAID levels to improve performance and designing algorithms to maintain data consistency. Last, the article describes six disk array prototypes of products and discusses future opportunities for research, with an annotated bibliography disk array-related literature.


AMDAHL, G.M. 1967. ValiditK, of the single processor approach to achievin'g large scale computing capabilities. In Proceedtngs of the AFIPS 1967 Sprzng Joint Computer Conference. Vol. 30. AFIPS, Washington, D.C., 483-485. Threepage paper that eloquently gives case for traditional computers by pointing out that performance improvement is limited by portion of the computation that is not improved.
BACCELLI, F. 1985. Two parallel queues created by arrivals with two demands. Tech Rep. 426, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France. Derives an exact solution for the two-server, M/G/1 fork-join queue.
BHIDE, A. AND DIAS, D. 1992. Raid architectures for OLTP. Tech. Rep. RC 17879 (#78489), IBM, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. Increases throughput for workloads emphasizing small, random write accesses in a redundant disk array by logging changes to parity for efficient application later. Parity changes are logged onto a separate disk which must be externally sorted before application to the disk array's parity.
B1TTON, D. AND GRAY, J. 1988. Disk shadowing. In Very Large Database Conference XIV. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Calif., 331-338. Describes disk mirroring and derives an analytical equation for read and write seek distances as a function of the number of data copies.
BURKU^RDT, W. AND MENON, J. 1993. Disk array storage system reliability. In the 23rd Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C., 432 441. Argnaes need for multiple error-correcting disk arrays; discusses how to use maximal-distance separable codes to protect against multiple errors in a space-efficient manner.
BUZEN, J. AND SHUM, W. C. 1986. I/O architecture in MVS/370 and MVS/XA. CMG Trans. 54 (Fall), 19-26. Overview of the MVS/370 and MVS/XA I/O architecture. Describes channel paths, storage directors, string controllers, rotational position sensing, static and dynamic reconnect.
CAO, P., LiM, S. B., VENtCA_TARAMAN, S., AND WILKES, J. 1993. The TickerTAIP parallel RAID architecture. In Proceedings of the 1993 International Symposium on Computer Archttecture. IEEE, New York. Describes the TickerTAIP architecture, software implementation issues, and the performance of different methods of distributing parity computation among multiple processors.
CHANDY, J. AND REDDY, A. L. N. 1993. Failure evaluation of disk array organizations. In Proceedmgs of the International Conference on Distrtbuted Computing Systems. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C. Contrasts four previously described schemes for minimizing data reconstruction time in small (7 and 16 disks) redundant disk arrays: RAID 5 with a single spare disk, RAID 5 with a single spare whose space is distributed across all disks, a special case of Muntz and Lui's parity-clustering organization, and a method of dynamically converting a redundant data disk to a spare disk by merging two redundancy groups into one larger group. The second, distributed sparing, is generally preferred because of its performance and simplicity, but the Muntz scheme is better for minimal impact of user performance during recovery.
CHEN, P. M., GIBSON, G., KATZ, R., AND PATTERSON, D.A. 1990. All evaluation of redundant arrays of disks using an Amdahl 5890. In Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. ACM, New York. The first experimental evaluation of RAID. Compares RAID levels 0, 1, and 5.
CHEN~ P. M. AND PATTERSON, D.A. 1990 Max9 mizmg performance m a striped disk array. In Proceedings of the 1990 Internatmnal Sympostum on Computer Archttecture. IEEE, New York, 322-331. Discusses how to choose the striping unit fbr a RAID level-0 disk array.
C~tEN, S. AND TOWSLE~, D. 1991. A queuemg analysis of RAID architectures. Tech. Rep. COINS Tech. Rep. 91-71, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Univ of Mas~ sachusetts, Amherst, Mass Analytically models RAID leveI-1 and RAID level-5 disk arrays to compare their performance on small and large requests. Bounds are used to model the quemng and fork-join synchronization in RAID level-1 disk arrays. Small write requests in RAID level-5 disk arrays are handled by ignoring the fork-join synchromzatlon overhead. Large requests are modcled by using a single queue for all the disks m the disk array.
CHEN, P. M AND LEE, E.K. 1993 Striping in a RAID level-5 disk array Tech. Rep. CSE-TR- 181-93, Univ. of' Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mtch. Discusses how to choose striping unit for RAID level-5 disk arrays. Quantifies effect of writes and varying number of dmks
CHEN, P. M., LEE, E. K., DRAPEAU, A. L., LUTZ, K, MILLER, E. L., SESHAN, S., SHIRR1FF, K., PATTER- SON D. A., ANi~ KATZ, R. H. 1994. Performance and design evaluatmn of the RAID-II storage server. J. D~str~b. Parall. Databases. To be published. Also in The 1993 International Porallel Processing Symposium Workshop on I/0 Ln Parallel Computer System.e Summa rizes major architectural features of RAID-II and evaluates how they impact performance
CHE~VENAK, A. L. AND KATZ, R.H. 1991 Performance of a disk array prototype In Proceedrags of the 1991 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Corn puter Systems Perf. Eval. Rev. 19, 5 (May), 188 197 Evaluates the performance of RAID-I, a U C. Berkeley disk array prototype.
COPELAND, G., ALEXANDER, W., BOUGHTER, E, AND KELLER, T. 1988 Data placement in Bubba In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Con{erence on Management o/ Data ACM, New York, 99-108. Discusses data allocation in a large database.
DRAPEAU, A. L., SHIRRIFE, K., LEE, E. K, CHEN, P. M, GIBSON, G A., HARTMAN, J. H. MILLER, E. L., SESHAN, S., KATZ, R. H, LUTZ, K, AND PATTERSON, D. A 1994. RAID-II: A highbandwidth network file server In Proceedings of the 1994 Internatmnal Swnposlum on Computer Archttecture. IEEE, New York. Describes the architecture, file system, and performance of RAID-II, a disk array file server prototype.
EMLICH, L. W. AND POLICH, H.D. 1989 VAXmm- PLUS, a fault manager mlplementatmn Dig. Tech. J. 8, (Feb.) Describes Digatal Equipment Corporation's tool for predicting and awfiding disk failures
FLATTO, L. ~D HAHN, S. 1984. Two parallel queues created by arrivals with two demands I}. SIAM J. Comput. 44, 5 (Oct.), 1041-1053, Derives an exact solutmn for the two-server, M/M/l, fork-join queue.
FRmDMAN, M. B 1983. DASD access patterns. In the 14th International Conference on Managemeat ond Performance Evaluatmn of Computer Systems Computer Measurement Group, 51 61 Looks at how much disk accesses are skewed toward particular disks in several transaction-processing sites.
GIBSON, G.A. 1992. Redundant disk arrays Rehable, parallel secondary storage Ph.D. thesis, Univ of California. Berkeley, Calif. Also available fi'om MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Award-winning dissertation that describes RAIDs m detail, with emphasm on rehability analysis of several alternatives.
GIBSON, G. A., PATTERSON, R. H., AND SATYA- NARAYANAN, M. 1992. D~sk reads with DRAM latency In the 3rd Workshop on Workstatwn Operating Systems. IEEE Computer Society, Washing-ton, D.C. Proposes that apphcatmns give hints about their future file accesses so that the buffer cache can prefetch needed data and provide low-latency file access. The hints could be exploited also to improve cache management and dmk scheduling
GRAY, J., HOgST, B, ANn WALKER, M. 1990. Parlty striping of disc arrays: Low-cost rehable storage with acceptable throughput In Procecdzngs o/the 16th Very Large Database Conference. Morgan Kaufmann. San Mateo, Calif, 148-160. Describes a data and parity layout for disk arrays called parity striping. Panty striping is essentially RAID level 5 with an infinite striping umt and manual load balancing.
HALL, M 1986. Combinatorial Theory. 2nd ed. Wlley-Interscience, New York. Textbook on combinatorial theory. The section on balanced, incomplete block designs are most relevant for readers of thin article
HEII)ELBERGER, P AND TRIVEDI, K.S. 1982. Qeuelag network models for parallel processing with asynchronous tasks. IEEE Trans Comput C- 3 l, 11 (Nov.), 1099-1109. Derives approximate solutions for queuing systems with forks but no joins.
HENNESSY, J. L. AND PATTERSON, D. A. 1990. Computer Architecture' A Quantttatme Approach. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Calif. Likely the most popular general book in computer architecture today, the discussion on technology trends, general I/O issues, and measurements of seek dmtances are most relevant to readers of this article
HOLLAND, M., AND GIBSON, G. 1992. Parity declustermg for continuous operatmn in redundant disk arrays. In Proceedmgs of the 5th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS-V). IEEE, New York, 23-35. Describes parity declustering, a techmque fbr improving the performance of a redundant disk array in the presence of disk failure. Analyzes the proposed solution using detailed simulation and finds significant improvements (20-50%) in both user response time and reconstruction time. Also analyzes a set of previously-proposed optimizations that can be applied to the reconstruction algorithm, concluding that they can actually slow the reconstruction process under certain conditions.
HOLLAND, M. GmsoN, G., AND SIEWlOREK, D. 1993 Fast, on-line failure recovery in redundant disk arrays. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D,C. ompares and contrasts two data reconstruction algorithms for disk arrays: "parallel stripe-oriented reconstruction" and "disk-oriented reconstruction." Presents an implementation of the disk-oriented algorithm and analyzes reconstruction performance of these algorithms, concluding that the disk-oriented algorithm is superior. Investigates the sensitivity of the reconstruction process to the size of the reconstruction umt and the amount of memory available for reconstruction.
HSIAO, H. AND DEWITT, D. 1990. Chained declustering: A new availability strategy for multiprocessor database machines. In Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Internattonal Conference on Data Engineering. IEEE, New York, 456-465. Introduces a variation of mirroring, where the secondary copy of data is distributed across the disks in a different manner than the primary copy of data.
KATZ, R.H. 1992. High perfbrmance networkand channel-based storage. Proc. IEEE 80, 8 (Aug.), 1238 1261. Presents overview of network-based storage systems. Reviews hardware and software trends in storage systems.
KATZ, R. H., CHEN, P. M., DRAPEAU, A. L., LF.E, E. K., LUTZ, K., MILLER, E. L., SESHAN, S., PATTERSON, D.A. 1993. RAID-Ih Design and implementation of a large scale disk array controller. In the 1993 Symposium on Integrated Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Describes the design decisions and implementation experiences from RAID-IL
KIM, M.Y. 1986 Synchronized disk interleaving. IEEE Trans. Comput. C-35, 11 (Nov.), 978 988. Simulates the performance of independent disks versus synchronized disk striping. Derives an equation for response time by treating the synchronized disk array as an M/G/1 queuing system.
KiM, M. Y. AND TANTAWI, A. N. 1991. Asynchronous disk interleaving: Approximating access delays. IEEE Trans. Comput. 40, 7 (July), 801-810. Derives an approximate equation for access time in unsynchronized disk arrays when seek times are exponentially distributed and rotational latency is uniformly distributed.
KORNER, K. 1990. Intelligent caching for remote file service. In Proceedings of the Internatmnal Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C., 220 226. Uses traces to generate hints based on the program running and the directory and name of files accessed. The file server uses the hints to pick a caching algorithm: LRU, MRU, none. Simulation showed significant benefits from intelligent caching but not from readahead which delayed demand requests since it was not preemptable.
KOTZ, D. AND ELLIS, C. S. 1991. Practical prefetching techniques for parallel file systems. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Informatmn Systems. ACM, New York, 182-189. File access predictors use past accesses to prefetch data in idle nodes of a parallel file system Simulation studies show that practical predictors often can significantly reduce total execution time while the penalty for incorrect predictions is modest.
LEE, E. K. AND KATZ, R. H. 1991a An analytic performance model of disk arrays and its applications. Tech. Rep. UCB/CSD 91/660, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif Derives an analytic model for nonredundant disk arrays and uses the model to derive an equation for the optimal size of data striping.
L~:E, E. K. AND KATZ, R.H. 1991b. Performance consequences of parity placement in disk arrays. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems {ASPLOS-IV). IEEE, New York, 190 199. Investigates the performance of different methods of distributing parity in RAID level-5 disk arrays.
L~m, E. K. AND KATZ, R. H. 1993. An analytic performance model of disk arrays. In Proceedings of th 1993 ACM SIGMET~IICS Conference on Measurement and Modehng of Computer Systems. ACM, New York, 98 109. Similar to earlier technical report with similar name except with better empirical justifications and a more detailed study of the model's properties.
LIvNY, M. KHOSHAFIAN, S., AND BORAL, H. 1987 Multi-disk management algorithms. In Proceedings of the 1987 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference On Measurement and Modeling of Computer System. ACM, New York, 69-77. Compares performance of disk arrays with track-sized and infinite striping units. Concludes that striping can improve performance for many multidisk systems.
LOVERSO, S. J., ISMAN, M., AND NANOPOULOS, A. 1993. A Parallel file system for the CM-5. In Proceedings of the USENIX Summer Con/krence. USENIX Assoclatmn, Berkeley, Calif. A description of the I/O hardware and the file system of the massively parallel processor from Thinking Machines. Their RAID-3 disk array has excellent performance for large file accesses.
MALHOTRA, M. AND TRIVEDI, S. 1993. Rehabihty analysis of redundant arrays of inexpensive disks. J. Parall. D~str. Comput. 17, (Jan.), 146-151 Uses Marker models to derive exact, closed-form reliability equations for redundant disk arrays. Analysis accounts for failure prediction and sparing.
MENON, J. AND CORTNEY, J. 1993. The architecture of a fault-tolerant cached RAID controller In Procee&ngs of the 20th Internatl, onal Symposium on Computer Architecture IEEE, New York, 76-86. Describes the architecture of Hagar and several algorithms for asynchronous writes that reduce susceptlbfilty to data loss.
MENON, J., MATTSON, D., AND NO, S. 1991. Distributed sparing for improved performance of disk arrays. Tech Rep. RJ 7943, IBM, Almaden Research Center. Explores the use of an on-line spare disk in a redundant disk array analytically It examines multiple configurations, but fundamentally it distributes the spare's space over the whole array so that every disk is N/(N + 2) data, 1/(N + 2) parity, and 1/(N + 2) spare. This gives an extra 1/(N + 2) performance, but, more significantly, it distributes the recovery-write load (the reconstructed data) over all disks to shorten recovery time. The benefits, not surprisingly, are largest for small arrays.
MENON, J., ROCHE, J., AND iKASSON, J. 1993 Floating parity and data disk arrays. J. Parall. Dlstrib. Comput. 17, 129-139, Introduces floating data and floating parity as an optimization for RAID level-5 disk arrays. Discusses performance and capacity overheads of methods.
MERCHANT, A. AND Yu, P. 1992. Design and modeling of clustered RAID. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C., 140 149. Presents an implementation of parity declustering, which the authors call "clustered RAID," based on random permutations. Its advantage is that it ~s able to derive a data mapping for any size disk array with any size parity stripe, and the corresponding disadvantage is that the computational requirements of the mapping algorithm are high compared to the block-design-based approaches. Analyzes response time and reconstruction time using this technique via an analytic model, and finds substantial benefits m bath.
MONTGOMERY SECURITIES 1991. RAID: A technology prosed for explosive growth. Tech. Rep. DJIA: 2902, Montgomery Securities, San Franmsco, Calif. Industry projections of market growth for RAID systems from 1990 to 1995.
MUNTZ, R. R. AND LUI, C. S. 1990. Performance analysis of disk arrays under fadure. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Very Large Data Bases. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Calif. Proposes and evaluates the "clustered- RAID" technique for improving the fmlure-re covery performance in redundant disk arrays. It leaves open the problem of implementation: no techmque for efficiently mapping data units to physical disks is presented. Analyzes via an analytmal model the technique and two potential "optimlzatmns" to the reconstruction algorithm, and finds significant benefits to all three.
NELSON, R. AND TANTAWI, A. N. 1988. Approximate analysis of fork/join synchronization in parallel queues. IEEE Trans. Comput. 37, 6 ( June), 739 743 Approximates response time in fork-join queuing systems with k >- 2 servers where each logical request always forks into k requests.
NO, S. 1994. Crossbar disk array for unproved rehability and performance In Proceedings the 1994 Internatwnal Symposium on Computer Archztecture. IEEE, New York. Introduces schemes to protect against multiple failures of disk support hardware such as disk controllers and strings.
NG, S AND MATTSON, D. 1991 Maintaining good performance in disk arrays during failure via uniform parity group distribution. In Proceed-,~gs of t}le 1st Internatmnal Symposium on High Performance Distrzbuted Computing. 260 269 Uses balanced, incomplete block designs to distribute the extra load from a failed disk equally among other disks in the array.
Open, C. U. AND SOLWORTH, J. A. 1993~ Doubly distorted mirrors. In Procee&ngs of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM, New York. Describes a technique called &storted mirrors that partitions each of two mirrored disks into two halves, one of which lays out the data in a standard fashion, one of which "distorts" the data layout. This accelerates writes to the distorted copy while preserwng the abihty to read large files sequentmlly.
PATTERSON, D. A. AND HENNESSY, J L. 1994. Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/So/?ware Interface. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Cahf. A popular undergraduate book in computer architecture, the discussion on technology trends are most relevant to readers of this article.
PATTERSON, D. A., GIBSON, G., AND KATZ, R. H. 1988. A case for redundant arrays ofinexpenrove disks (RAID) In Internaaonal Conference on Management of Data ( SIGMOD I. ACM, New York, 109-116. The first published Berkeley paper on RAIDs, ~t gives all the RAID nomenclature.
PATTERSON, R. H., GIBSON, G. A., AND SATYA- NARAYANAN, M. 1993. A status report on research in transparent informed prefetching. ACM Oper. Syst. Rev. 27, 2 (Apr.), 21-34. Expands on using application hints for file prefetching in Gibson et al. { 1992}. Hints should disclose access patterns, not advise caching/ prefetching actions. Greatest potential from converting serial accesses into concurrent accesses on a disk array. Presents preliminary results of user-level prefetching tests.
PETERSON, E. W. AND WELDON, E. J. 1972. Error-Correcting Codes. 2nd ed. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. A general textbook on the mathematics of error-correcting codes.
ROSENBLUM, M. AND OUSTERHOUT, J.K. 1991. The design and implementation of a log-structured file system, in Proceedtngs of the 13th ACI}4 Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. ACM, New York. Describes a log-structured file system that makes all writes to disk sequential. Discusses efficient ways to clean the disk to prevent excessive fragmentation.
SALEM, K. AND GARCIA-MOLINA, H. 1986. Disk striping. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering'. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C., 336-342. Early paper discussing disk striping.
SCHEUERMANN, P., WEIKUM, G., AND ZABBACK, P. 1991. Automatic tuning of data placement and load balancing in disk arrays. Database Systems for Next-Generation Applications: Principles and Practme. Describes heuristics for allocating files to disks to minimize disk skew.
SCHULZE, M., GIBSON, G. KATZ, R., AND PATTERSON, D. 1989. How reliable is a RAID, In Procedures of the IEEE Computer Society International Conference (COMPCON). IEEE, New York. Gives a reliability calculation for the electronics as well as the disks for RAIDS.
SELTZER, M. I., CHEN, P. M., AND OUSTERHOUT, J. K. 1990. Disk scheduling revisited. In Proceedings of the Winter 1990 USENIX Technical Conference. USENIX Association, Berkeley, Calif. 313-324. Reexamines the problem of how to efficiently schedule a large number of disk accesses when accounting for both seek and rotational positioning delays.
STODOLSKY, D. AND GIBSON, G. A. 1993. Parity logging: Overcoming the small write problem in redundant disk arrays. In Proceedings of the 1993 International Symposium on Computer Architecture. Increases throughput for workloads emphasizing small, random write accesses in a redundant disk array by logging changes to the parity in a segmented log for efficient application later. Log segmentation allows log operations that are large enough to be efficient yet small enough to allow in-memory application of a log segment.
TAIT, C. D. AND DUCHAMP, D. 1991. Detection and exploitation of file working sets. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C., 2 9. Dynamically builds and maintains program and data access trees to predict future file accesses. The current pattern is matched with previous trees to prefetch data and manage the local cache in a distributed file system. Trace-driven simulation shows reduced cache miss rates over a simple LRU algorithm.
WEIKUM, G. AND ZABBACK, P. 1992. Tuning of striping units in disk-array-based file systems. In Proceedings of the 2nd Internatzonal Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Transaction and Query Processing. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C., 80 87. Proposes file-specific striping units instead of a single, global one for all files.
WILMOT, R. B. 1989. File usage patterns from SMF data: Highly skewed usage. In the 20th Internatwnal Conference on Management and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems. Computer Measurement Group, 668-677. Reports on how files are accessed on four large data centers and finds that a small number of files account for most of all disk I/O.

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Antonio Puliafito

To improve the performance and reliability of mass storage units, I/O subsystems based on sets of physically distinct but logically interconnected units (disk array systems) have been proposed to extend the cost, power, and space advantages of small disks to higher-capacity configurations. This paper provides a systematic tutorial and survey of disk array technology. Seven different redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) organizations are carefully described, and their reliability, performance, and cost are analyzed and compared. Practical issues are also covered, and an interesting description of six disk array prototypes is provided. The material is self-contained and, even if a lot of information is provided, the paper can be read with no more than the usual effort. The annotated bibliography is by itself a valuable contribution. Moreover, for each topic discussed in the paper, an in-depth analysis of the current literature allows the reader to better understand the problem and the solution adopted. The description of some prototypes and products from different companies and research labs, although concise and thus sometimes difficult to follow, constitutes a state-of-the-art analysis that is useful for system designers as well as for researchers into disk arrays. The paper covers many topics, from the general principles governing the design and configuration of disk arrays to the practical issues that must be addressed in the implementation of disk arrays. The clarity with which each topic is analyzed makes the paper of value to anyone interested in disk arrays.

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cover image ACM Computing Surveys
ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 26, Issue 2
June 1994
61 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 June 1994
Published in CSUR Volume 26, Issue 2


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  1. RAID
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