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On the optimality of strategies for multiple join

Published: 01 November 1993 Publication History
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  • (2006)Optimization of constrained queries with a hybrid genetic algorithmDatabase and Expert Systems Applications10.1007/BFb0054495(342-352)Online publication date: 26-May-2006
  • (2003)Optimizing large star-schema queries with snowflakes via heuristic-based query rewritingProceedings of the 2003 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative research10.5555/961322.961365(279-293)Online publication date: 6-Oct-2003
  • (2001)Criss-Cross Hash JoinsIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering10.1109/69.94073713:4(637-653)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001
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cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 40, Issue 5
Nov. 1993
311 pages
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Publication History

Published: 01 November 1993
Published in JACM Volume 40, Issue 5


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  1. Cartesian product
  2. heuristic
  3. intersection
  4. join strategy
  5. join tree
  6. linear strategy
  7. lossless join
  8. optimality
  9. query optimizer
  10. superkey
  11. union


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  • (2006)Optimization of constrained queries with a hybrid genetic algorithmDatabase and Expert Systems Applications10.1007/BFb0054495(342-352)Online publication date: 26-May-2006
  • (2003)Optimizing large star-schema queries with snowflakes via heuristic-based query rewritingProceedings of the 2003 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative research10.5555/961322.961365(279-293)Online publication date: 6-Oct-2003
  • (2001)Criss-Cross Hash JoinsIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering10.1109/69.94073713:4(637-653)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001
  • (1997)Avoiding Cartesian products for multiple joinsJournal of the ACM10.1145/256292.25629644:1(57-85)Online publication date: 15-Jan-1997
  • (1995)Computation of partial query results with an adaptive stratified sampling techniqueProceedings of the fourth international conference on Information and knowledge management10.1145/221270.221363(145-149)Online publication date: 2-Dec-1995

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