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SAFE: Structure-aware facade editing

Published: 01 May 2014 Publication History


Many man-made objects, in particular building facades, exhibit dominant structural relations such as symmetry and regularity. When editing these shapes, a common objective is to preserve these relations. However, often there are numerous plausible editing results that all preserve the desired structural relations of the input, creating ambiguity. We propose an interactive facade editing framework that explores this structural ambiguity. We first analyze the input in a semi-automatic manner to detect different groupings of the facade elements and the relations among them. We then provide an incremental editing process where a set of variations that preserve the detected relations in a particular grouping are generated at each step. Starting from one input example, our system can quickly generate various facade configurations.


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Published In

cover image Computer Graphics Forum
Computer Graphics Forum  Volume 33, Issue 2
May 2014
509 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


The Eurographs Association & John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Chichester, United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2014

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  1. Categories and Subject Descriptors according to ACM CCS
  2. I.3.5 [Computer Graphics] Computer Graphics-Computational Geometry and Object Modeling


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