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Trace Analysis for Conformance and Arbitration Testing

Published: 01 November 1989 Publication History


The authors explore a testing approach where the concern for selecting the appropriate test input provided to the implementation under test (IUT) is separated as much as possible from the analysis of the observed output. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of the observed interactions of the IUT in order to determine whether the observed input/output trace conforms to the IUT's specification. The authors consider this aspect of testing with particular attention to testing of communication protocol implementations. Various distributed test architectures are used for this purpose, where partial input/output traces are observable by local observers at different interfaces. The error-detection power of different test configurations is determined on the basis of the partial trace visible to each local observer and their global knowledge about the applied test case. The automated construction of trace analysis modules from the formal specification of the protocol is also discussed. Different transformations of the protocol specification may be necessary to obtain the reference specification, which can be used by a local or global observer for checking the observed trace. Experience with the construction of an arbiter for the OSI (open systems interconnection) transport protocol is described.


{1} A. V. Aho and J. D. Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design . Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1977.
{2} J. M. Ayache, P. Azema, and M. Diaz, "Observer: A concept for on-line detection for control errors in concurrent systems," in Proc. 9th Int. Symp. FTC, Madison, WI, June 1979.
{3} G.v. Bochmann, E. Cerny, M. Maksud, and B. Sarikaya, "Testing of transport protocol implementations," in Proc. CIPS Conf., Ottawa, 1983, pp. 123-129.
{4} G.v. Bochmann, "Usage of protocol development tools: the results of a survey" (invited paper), presented at the 7th IFIP Symp. Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Zurich, May 1987.
{5} G.v. Bochmann, G. Gerber, and J. M. Serre, "Semiautomatic implementation of communication protocols," IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. SE-13, no. 9, pp. 989-1000, Sept. 1987; reprinted in Automatic Implementation and Conformance Testing of OSI Protocols. D. P. Sidhu, Ed. New York: IEEE, 1989.
{6} G.v. Bochmann, C. He, D. Ouimet, and R. Zhao, "Protocol testing using automatic trace analysis," in Proc. IEEE Canadian Conf. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sept. 1989.
{7} G.v. Bochmann, "Protocol specification for OSI," Comput. Networks and ISDN Syst., to be published.
{8} S. S. Lam and A. U. Shankar, "Protocol verification via projections," IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. SE-10, no. 4, pp. 325-342, July 1984.
{9} G.v. Bochmann and O. Bellal, "Test result analysis in respect to formal specifications," submitted for publication.
{10} I. C. Davidson, "The NCC protocol testing service," in Proc. Work shop Introduction of High Level Protocol Standards for OSI (BNI/AFNOR), Paris, June 1983, pp. 273-279.
{11} R. Dssouli and G.v. Bochmann, "Error detection with multiple observers," in Proc. IFIP Workshop Protocol Specification, Testing, and Validation, Toulouse, France, June 1985.
{12} R. Dssouli and G.v. Bochmann, "Conformance testing with multiple observers," in Proc. IFIP Workshop Protocol Specification, Testing, and Validation, 1986, pp. 217-229.
{13} R. Dssouli, "Etude des methodes de test pour les implantations de protocoles de communication basees sur les specifications formelles," Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Montreal, 1986.
{14} ISO IS9074, "Estelle: A formal description technique based on an extended state transition model," 1989.
{15} C. Jard and G.v. Bochmann, "An approach to testing specifications," J. Syst. Software, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 315-323, Dec. 1983.
{16} L. Lamport, "Time, clocks and the ordering of events in a distributed system," Commun. ACM, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 558-565, July 1978.
{17} L. Logrippo et al., "An interpreter for LOTOS: A specification language for distributed systems," Software Practice and Experience, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 365-385, Apr. 1988.
{18} ISO IS8807, "LOTOS: A formal description technique," 1989.
{19} P. Merlin and G.v. Bochmann, "On the construction of submodule specifications and communication protocols," ACM Trans. Program, Lang. Syst., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-25, Jan. 1983.
{20} R. Molva, M. Diaz, and J. M. Ayache, "Observer: A run time checking tool for local area networks," 5th IFIP Workshop Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Toulouse, 1985.
{21} ISO TC97/SC21, DIS 9646/1, and DIS 9646/2, "OSI Conformance testing methodology and framework, Part 1: General Concepts, Part 2: Abstract Test Suite Specification," 1989.
{22} ISO TC97/SC6, IS 8073, "OSI--Connection oriented transport protocol specification."
{23} D. Rafiq, R. Castanet, C. Chraibi, J. P. Goursaud, J. Haddad, and X. Perdu, "Towards and environment for testing OSI protocols," in Proc. IFIP Workshop Protocol Specification, Verification and Testing , Toulouse, 1985.
{24} D. Rayner, "A system for testing protocol implementations," Comput. Networks, vol. 6, no. 6, Dec. 1982.
{25} CCITT SG X1, Recommendation Z.100, 1987.
{26} B. Sarikaya and G.v. Bochmann, "Synchronization and specifcation issues in protocol testing," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-32, no. 4, pp. 389-395, Apr. 1984.
{27} B. Sarikaya, G.v. Bochmann, and E. Cerny, "A test design methodology for protocol testing," IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. SE- 13, pp. 518-531, Apr. 1987.
{28} H. Ural and R. L. Probert, "Automated testing of protocol specifications and their implementations," in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Symp., 1984.
{29} C. Vissers, "Formal description techniques for OSI," in Proc. IFIP Congress, Information Processing '86. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland, 1986.
{30} H. X. Zeng and D. Rayner, "The impact of the ferry concept on protocol testing," in Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (IFIP Workshop), M. Diaz, Ed. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland, 1986, pp. 533-544.

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Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  Volume 15, Issue 11
November 1989
178 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 November 1989

Author Tags

  1. IUT
  2. OSI
  3. arbitration testing
  4. automated construction
  5. communication protocol implementations
  6. conformance testing
  7. distributed test architectures
  8. error-detection power
  9. formal specification
  10. global knowledge
  11. implementation under test
  12. local observers
  13. open systems
  14. open systems interconnection
  15. partial input/output traces
  16. program testing
  17. protocols
  18. reference specification
  19. trace analysis modules
  20. transport protocol


  • Research-article


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  • (2007)A new method for interoperability test generationProceedings of the 19th IFIP TC6/WG6.1 international conference, and 7th international conference on Testing of Software and Communicating Systems10.5555/2391293.2391298(58-73)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2007
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