Explainable Recommender With Geometric Information Bottleneck
Acquiring User Information Needs for Recommender Systems
WI-IAT '13: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT) - Volume 03Most recommender systems attempt to use collaborative filtering, content-based filtering or hybrid approach to recommend items to new users. Collaborative filtering recommends items to new users based on their similar neighbours, and content-based ...
Building recommender systems for scholarly information
SWM '17: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Scholarly Web MiningThe depth and breadth of research now being published is overwhelming for an individual researcher to keep track of let alone consume. Recommender systems have been developed to make it easier for researchers to discover relevant content. However, these ...
Expressive Latent Feature Modelling for Explainable Matrix Factorisation-based Recommender Systems
The traditional matrix factorisation (MF)-based recommender system methods, despite their success in making the recommendation, lack explainable recommendations as the produced latent features are meaningless and cannot explain the recommendation. This ...
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