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Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs via Transformer

Published: 02 November 2021 Publication History


Detecting anomalies for dynamic graphs has drawn increasing attention due to their wide applications in social networks, e-commerce, and cybersecurity. Recent deep learning-based approaches have shown promising results over shallow methods. However, they fail to address two core challenges of anomaly detection in dynamic graphs: the lack of informative encoding for unattributed nodes and the difficulty of learning discriminate knowledge from coupled spatial-temporal dynamic graphs. To overcome these challenges, in this paper, we present a novel <underline><bold>T</bold></underline>ransformer-based <underline><bold>A</bold></underline>nomaly <underline><bold>D</bold></underline>etection framework for <underline><bold>DY</bold></underline>namic graphs (<bold>TADDY</bold>). Our framework constructs a comprehensive node encoding strategy to better represent each node&#x2019;s structural and temporal roles in an evolving graphs stream. Meanwhile, TADDY captures informative representation from dynamic graphs with coupled spatial-temporal patterns via a dynamic graph transformer model. The extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed TADDY framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin on six real-world datasets.


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          cover image IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
          IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  Volume 35, Issue 12
          Dec. 2023
          1114 pages


          IEEE Educational Activities Department

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          Published: 02 November 2021


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