Cited By
View all- Divroodi ANguyen L(2015)On bisimulations for description logicsInformation Sciences: an International Journal10.1016/j.ins.2014.10.022295:C(465-493)Online publication date: 20-Feb-2015
- Tran THa QHoang TNguyen LNguyen H(2014)Bisimulation-Based Concept Learning in Description LogicsFundamenta Informaticae10.5555/2692064.2692078133:2-3(287-303)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2014
- Divroodi AHa QNguyen LNguyen H(2012)On c-learnability in description logicsProceedings of the 4th international conference on Computational Collective Intelligence: technologies and applications - Volume Part I10.1007/978-3-642-34630-9_24(230-238)Online publication date: 28-Nov-2012