DP-based wordgraph pruning
Pruning-Based Unsupervised Segmentation for Korean
Compound noun segmentation is a key component for Korean language processing. Supervised approaches require some types of human intervention such as maintaining lexicons, manually segmenting the corpora, or devising heuristic rules. Thus, they suffer ...
DP-degree colorable hypergraphs
AbstractIn order to solve a question on list coloring of planar graphs, Dvořák and Postle introduced the concept of so called DP-coloring, thereby extending the concept of list-coloring. DP-coloring was analyzed in detail by Bernshteyn, ...
Group Colorings and DP-Colorings of Multigraphs Using Edge-Disjoint Decompositions
AbstractIn (J Graph Theory 4:241–242, 1980), Burr proved that if and only if G is the edge-disjoint union of k graphs such that for . This result established the practice of describing the chromatic number of a graph ...
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