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View all- Zaidman ARompaey BDeursen ADemeyer S(2018)Studying the co-evolution of production and test code in open source and industrial developer test processes through repository miningEmpirical Software Engineering10.1007/s10664-010-9143-716:3(325-364)Online publication date: 26-Dec-2018
- Bannerman SMartin A(2018)A multiple comparative study of test-with development product changes and their effects on team speed and product qualityEmpirical Software Engineering10.1007/s10664-010-9137-516:2(177-210)Online publication date: 26-Dec-2018
- Romano SFucci DScanniello GTurhan BJuristo NBeecham SKitchenham BMacDonell S(2016)Results from an Ethnographically-informed Study in the Context of Test Driven DevelopmentProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering10.1145/2915970.2915996(1-10)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016
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