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View all- Petit SSahuquillo JPont AKaeli D(2018)Addressing a workload characterization study to the design of consistency protocolsThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-006-7866-438:1(49-72)Online publication date: 30-Dec-2018
In the rich literature of secure multi-party computation MPC, several important results rely on "protocol transformations," whereby protocols from one model of MPC are transformed to protocols from another model. Motivated by the goal of simplifying and ...
A certified email protocol, also known as a nonrepudiation protocol, allows a message to be exchanged for an acknowledgement of reception in a fair manner: a sender Alice sends a message to a receiver Bob if and only if Alice receives a receipt from ...
In a multiparty fair coin-flipping protocol, the parties output a common (close to) unbiased bit, even when some corrupted parties try to bias the output. Cleve [STOC 1986] has shown that in the case of dishonest majority (i.e., at least half of the ...
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