A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Big Resource Allocation Problems
- A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Big Resource Allocation Problems
A hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Dial-A-Ride Problem
A new hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Dial-A-Ride Problem (H-DARP).Efficient crossover operators and local search techniques.Experiments on existing DARP and H-DARP instances and new, larger, H-DARP instances.Computational experiments ...
The Online Best Reply Algorithm for Resource Allocation Problems
Algorithmic Game TheoryAbstractWe study the performance of a best reply algorithm for online resource allocation problems with a diseconomy of scale. In an online resource allocation problem, we are given a set of resources and a set of requests that arrive in an online manner. ...
A hybrid search algorithm with heuristics for resource allocation problem
The resource allocation problem is to allocate resources to activities so that the cost becomes as optimal as possible. In this paper, a hybrid search algorithm with heuristics for resource allocation problem encountered in practice is proposed. The ...
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