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10.1109/CEC.2016.7744208guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Evolutionary multi-objective optimization for multi-view clustering

Published: 01 July 2016 Publication History


In some real-world applications, multiple measuring methods are often employed to extract multiple feature groups of data, yielding multi-view data. The main challenge of multiview clustering is to find a suitable way of simultaneously exploiting the complementary information of all views, considering the view conflicts arose by different measures. For perspective of optimization, previous multi-view clustering studies applied weighted sum method to represent degree of conflict and treated it as a weighted sum single-objective optimization problem. In this work, we formatted multi-view clustering as a multi-objective optimization problem, in which each view is regarded as a totally independent feature subset. The clustering objective function in each view is one of the multiple objectives. Five popular multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs), i.e., NSGA-II, SPEA2, MOEA/D, SMS-EMOA and NSGA-III, were used to solve the induced multi-objective problem. Six real-world multi-view datasets were used to evaluate the proposed method and the experimental results showed that SPEA2 significantly outperformed the other MOEAs according to three performance evaluation indices.


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2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
5624 pages


IEEE Press

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Published: 01 July 2016


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  • (2021)A multi-objective gradient optimizer approach-based weighted multi-view clusteringEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence10.1016/j.engappai.2021.104480106:COnline publication date: 1-Nov-2021
  • (2020)A Unified Multi-view Clustering Algorithm Using Multi-objective Optimization Coupled with Generative ModelACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data10.1145/336567314:1(1-31)Online publication date: 3-Feb-2020
  • (2019)Clustering of multi-view relational data based on particle swarm optimizationExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal10.1016/j.eswa.2018.12.053123:C(34-53)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019

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