V for vicissitude: the challenge of scaling complex big data workflows
Pages 927 - 932
In this paper we present the scaling of BTWorld, our MapReduce-based approach to observing and analyzing the global BitTorrent network which we have been monitoring for the past 4 years. BTWorld currently provides a comprehensive and complex set of queries implemented in Pig Latin, with data dependencies between them, which translate to several MapReduce jobs that have a heavy-tailed distribution with respect to both execution time and input size characteristics. Processing BitTorrent data in excess of 1 TB with our BTWorld workflow required an in-depth analysis of the entire software stack and the design of a complete optimization cycle. We analyze our system from both theoretical and experimental perspectives and we show how we attained a 15 times larger scale of data processing than our previous results.
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- V for vicissitude: the challenge of scaling complex big data workflows
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Published: 26 May 2014
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CCGrid '14
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