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Non‐stochastic hypothesis testing for privacy

Published: 01 November 2020 Publication History


In this study, I consider privacy against hypothesis testing adversaries within a non‐stochastic framework. He developed a theory of non‐stochastic hypothesis testing by borrowing the notion of uncertain variables from non‐stochastic information theory. I define tests as binary‐valued mappings on uncertain variables and proved a fundamental bound on the best performance of the tests in non‐stochastic hypothesis testing. I provide parallels between stochastic and non‐stochastic hypothesis‐testing frameworks. I use the performance bound in non‐stochastic hypothesis testing to develop a measure of privacy. I then construct the reporting policies with the prescribed privacy and utility guarantees. The utility of a reporting policy is measured by the distance between the reported and original values. Finally, I present the notion of indistinguishability as a measure of privacy by extending the identifiability from the privacy literature to the non‐stochastic framework. I prove that the linear quantisers can indeed achieve identifiability for responding to linear queries on private datasets.

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Published In

cover image IET Information Security
IET Information Security  Volume 14, Issue 6
November 2020
178 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 November 2020

Author Tags

  1. information theory
  2. statistical testing
  3. data privacy
  4. stochastic processes

Author Tags

  1. privacy literature
  2. hypothesis testing adversaries
  3. nonstochastic framework
  4. nonstochastic information theory
  5. nonstochastic hypothesis‐testing frameworks
  6. uncertain variables
  7. linear quantisers


  • Research-article


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