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Evaluating the impact of educational robotics on pupils' technical- and social-skills and science related attitudes

Published: 01 January 2016 Publication History


This paper presents the design and results of an empirical study investigating the impact of educational robotics on technical skills, social skills as well as on science related attitudes and interests of pupils. The study relied on a quasi-experimental two-group design with two measurement points (pre- and post-test) and applied a multiple-choice questionnaire as assessment instrument. The study covered a period of approximately eight months and comprised pupils from different schools in Austria and Sweden. Using well-grounded statistical methods, the gathered data were analyzed around 14 different topics ('sub-scales') arranged in three main categories. Results indicate significant intervention effects for three sub-scales (mathematics and scientific investigation, teamwork, social skills) as well as for two main categories (technical skills and soft skills/social aspects). Correlation analysis revealed a number of highly significant strong relations between various sub-scales. An empirical study investigating the impact of educational robotics was conducted.The focus was laid on technical-/social-skills and science related attitudes of pupils.The study covered a period of 8 months and different schools in Austria and Sweden.Significant positive effects on mathematics/science, teamwork, social skills were found.Results indicate a positive impact on a group of related topics.


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Published In

cover image Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Robotics and Autonomous Systems  Volume 75, Issue PB
January 2016
582 pages


North-Holland Publishing Co.


Publication History

Published: 01 January 2016

Author Tags

  1. Attitudes towards science
  2. Educational robotics
  3. Empirical study
  4. Evaluation
  5. Experimental group and control group
  6. Pre-test and post-test
  7. Robotics in education
  8. Social skills
  9. Technical skills


  • Research-article


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