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Handling data irregularities in classification: : Foundations, trends, and future challenges

Published: 01 September 2018 Publication History


Data irregularities can significantly degrade the performance of classifiers.
We present a comprehensive taxonomy and survey of various data irregularities.
We discuss prominent methods to handle distribution and feature-based irregularities.
We highlight the co-occurrences and interrelations among different irregularities.
We unearth a number of promising future research avenues.


Most of the traditional pattern classifiers assume their input data to be well-behaved in terms of similar underlying class distributions, balanced size of classes, the presence of a full set of observed features in all data instances, etc. Practical datasets, however, show up with various forms of irregularities that are, very often, sufficient to confuse a classifier, thus degrading its ability to learn from the data. In this article, we provide a bird’s eye view of such data irregularities, beginning with a taxonomy and characterization of various distribution-based and feature-based irregularities. Subsequently, we discuss the notable and recent approaches that have been taken to make the existing stand-alone as well as ensemble classifiers robust against such irregularities. We also discuss the interrelation and co-occurrences of the data irregularities including class imbalance, small disjuncts, class skew, missing features, and absent (non-existing or undefined) features. Finally, we uncover a number of interesting future research avenues that are equally contextual with respect to the regular as well as deep machine learning paradigms.


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  1. Handling data irregularities in classification: Foundations, trends, and future challenges
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      Published In

      cover image Pattern Recognition
      Pattern Recognition  Volume 81, Issue C
      Sep 2018
      694 pages


      Elsevier Science Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 September 2018

      Author Tags

      1. Data irregularities
      2. Class imbalance
      3. Small disjuncts
      4. Class-distribution skew
      5. Missing features
      6. Absent features


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