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Efficient and self-recoverable privacy-preserving k-NN classification system with robustness to network delay

Published: 01 May 2024 Publication History


Online classification services based on machine learning have been widely used in fields such as healthcare and finance. To enhance the data privacy and avoid server collusion, companies usually deploy servers on different cloud service providers in distant regions separately, which implies high network delay between servers. However, many existing schemes inevitably involve a large number of communication rounds, resulting in inefficient online performance. To mitigate the negative effect of network delay, we propose an efficient and delay-robust approach for privacy-preserving k-NN classification on two non-interactive servers. Our method utilizes the state-of-the-art homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) technique and only introduces constant communication rounds. We also design an efficient self-recovery mechanism by enabling redundant cloud servers to securely back up the encrypted dataset, which is efficient even under high network delay. As the result of experiments we conducted in various network environment, our scheme is more online-efficient and is more robust to high network delay compared with related works.

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Constant online communication rounds, efficient and robust classification service even under network delay.
Secure redundant backup servers to enable fast system self-recovery without data re-upload.
Client-friendly and lightweight scheme for low-power IoT devices.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal
Journal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal  Volume 150, Issue C
May 2024
261 pages


Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2024

Author Tags

  1. k-nearest neighbor
  2. Privacy-preserving cloud computing
  3. Homomorphic secret sharing
  4. Multi-party computation


  • Research-article


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