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Audiovisual speech synthesis

Published: 01 February 2015 Publication History


Comprehensive overview of the various techniques for audiovisual speech synthesis.Innovative categorization of the techniques based on multiple aspects.Important future directives for the field of audiovisual speech synthesis.Bundles a lot of information that was scattered in the scientific literature. We live in a world where there are countless interactions with computer systems in every-day situations. In the most ideal case, this interaction feels as familiar and as natural as the communication we experience with other humans. To this end, an ideal means of communication between a user and a computer system consists of audiovisual speech signals. Audiovisual text-to-speech technology allows the computer system to utter any spoken message towards its users. Over the last decades, a wide range of techniques for performing audiovisual speech synthesis has been developed. This paper gives a comprehensive overview on these approaches using a categorization of the systems based on multiple important aspects that determine the properties of the synthesized speech signals. The paper makes a clear distinction between the techniques that are used to model the virtual speaker and the techniques that are used to generate the appropriate speech gestures. In addition, the paper discusses the evaluation of audiovisual speech synthesizers, it elaborates on the hardware requirements for performing visual speech synthesis and it describes some important future directions that should stimulate the use of audiovisual speech synthesis technology in real-life applications.


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cover image Speech Communication
Speech Communication  Volume 66, Issue C
February 2015
243 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


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Published: 01 February 2015

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  1. Audiovisual speech synthesis
  2. Speech synthesis
  3. Visual speech synthesis


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  • (2023)Speech-Driven 3D Face Animation with Composite and Regional Facial MovementsProceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia10.1145/3581783.3611775(6822-6830)Online publication date: 26-Oct-2023
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