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Logically Instantaneous Message Passing in Asynchronous Distributed Systems
Asynchrony (due to unknown message transmission delay) complicates the design of protocols for distributed systems. To simplify the protocol design task therefore, the authors propose an interprocess (point-to-point) communication mechanism that has the ...
A Message Franking Channel
Information Security and CryptologyAbstractWe pursue to formalize and instantiate a secure bidirectional channel with message franking properties. Under this model a sender may send an abusive message to the receiver and the latter wish to open it in a verifiable way to a third party. ...
Process cooperation in multiple message broadcast
PVM/MPI'07: Proceedings of the 14th European conference on Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing InterfaceWe present a process cooperation algorithm for broadcasting m messages among n processes, m ≥ 1, n ≥ 1, in one-port fully-connected communication systems. In this algorithm, the n processes are organized into 2⌊log n⌋ one- or two-process units. Messages ...
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Elsevier Science Inc.
United States
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