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A versatile sharp interface immersed boundary method for incompressible flows with complex boundaries

Published: 01 May 2008 Publication History


A sharp interface immersed boundary method for simulating incompressible viscous flow past three-dimensional immersed bodies is described. The method employs a multi-dimensional ghost-cell methodology to satisfy the boundary conditions on the immersed boundary and the method is designed to handle highly complex three-dimensional, stationary, moving and/or deforming bodies. The complex immersed surfaces are represented by grids consisting of unstructured triangular elements; while the flow is computed on non-uniform Cartesian grids. The paper describes the salient features of the methodology with special emphasis on the immersed boundary treatment for stationary and moving boundaries. Simulations of a number of canonical two- and three-dimensional flows are used to verify the accuracy and fidelity of the solver over a range of Reynolds numbers. Flow past suddenly accelerated bodies are used to validate the solver for moving boundary problems. Finally two cases inspired from biology with highly complex three-dimensional bodies are simulated in order to demonstrate the versatility of the method.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Computational Physics
Journal of Computational Physics  Volume 227, Issue 10
May, 2008
567 pages


Academic Press Professional, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2008

Author Tags

  1. Body non-conformal grid methods
  2. Computational fluid dynamics
  3. Ghost-cell
  4. Immersed boundary method


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