Tiling multipartite hypergraphs in quasi-random hypergraphs
Perfect packings in quasirandom hypergraphs I
Let k 2 and F be a linear k-uniform hypergraph with v vertices. We prove that if n is sufficiently large and v | n , then every quasirandom k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices with constant edge density and minimum degree ( n k - 1 ) admits a perfect F-...
On the Number of Linear Multipartite Hypergraphs with Given Size
AbstractFor any given integer , let be an integer with . A hypergraph is r-uniform if each edge is a set of r vertices, and is said to be linear if two edges intersect in at most one vertex. Let be a given k-partition of [n] with
On Perfect Matchings and Tilings in Uniform Hypergraphs
In this paper we study some variants of Dirac-type problems in hypergraphs. First, we show that for $k\ge 3$, if $H$ is a $k$-graph on $n\in k\mathbb N$ vertices with independence number at most $n/p$ and minimum codegree at least $(1/p+o(1))n$, where $p$...
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Academic Press, Inc.
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