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A Lexicon Enhanced Collaborative Network for targeted financial sentiment analysis

Published: 01 March 2023 Publication History


A novel methodology is proposed for fine-grained targeted financial sentiment analysis.
LECN is a unified and collaborative framework to capture connections between the target extraction (TE) and sentiment analysis (SA).
A dynamic weighting strategy based on sentiment lexicons enables the model to well determine sentiment polarities.
A message selective-passing mechanism enhances collaborative effects between TE and SA tasks.
Experimental results on four financial datasets demonstrate the proposed model outperforms competitive baselines.


The increasing interest around emotions in online texts creates the demand for financial sentiment analysis. Previous studies mainly focus on coarse-grained document-/sentence-level sentiment analysis, which ignores different sentiment polarities of various targets (e.g., company entities) in a sentence. To fill the gap, from a fine-grained target-level perspective, we propose a novel Lexicon Enhanced Collaborative Network (LECN) for targeted sentiment analysis (TSA) in financial texts. In general, the model designs a unified and collaborative framework that can capture the associations of targets and sentiment cues to enhance the overall performance of TSA. Moreover, the model dynamically incorporates sentiment lexicons to guide the sentiment classification, which cultivates the model faculty of understanding financial expressions. In addition, the model introduces a message selective-passing mechanism to adaptively control the information flow between two tasks, thereby improving the collaborative effects. To verify the effectiveness of LECN, we conduct experiments on four financial datasets, including SemEVAL2017 Task5 subset1, SemEVAL2017 Task5 subset2, FiQA 2018 Task1, and Financial PhraseBank. Results show that LECN achieves improvements over the state-of-art baseline by 1.66 p.p., 1.47 p.p., 1.94 p.p., and 1.88 p.p. in terms of F1-score. A series of further analyses also indicate that LECN has a better capacity for comprehending domain-specific expressions and can achieve the mutually beneficial effect between tasks.


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          cover image Information Processing and Management: an International Journal
          Information Processing and Management: an International Journal  Volume 60, Issue 2
          Mar 2023
          1443 pages


          Pergamon Press, Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 March 2023

          Author Tags

          1. Targeted financial sentiment analysis
          2. Attention mechanism
          3. Lexicon-based method
          4. Deep learning
          5. Natural language processing


          • Research-article


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