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View all- Du YWang YHu JLi XChen X(2022)An emotion role mining approach based on multiview ensemble learning in social networksInformation Fusion10.1016/j.inffus.2022.07.01088:C(100-114)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2022
With the popularity of Social Network Service (SNS) and the increasing of users, individuals' social roles in a social network have become more and more important in recommendation of the personalized services, and in a collective decision-making ...
We empirically explore the associations between social media use at home and shopping preferences using survey data. We focus on popular retail firms including brick-and-mortar firms such as Walmart, Target, Nordstrom, and Best Buy, and online ...
The aim of this article is to assess the impact of social media on the lives of selected college students. In this article, the authors raised the actual impact of daily communication on youth in social media. A descriptive research design was ...
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