On the k-means/median cost function
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- On the k-means/median cost function
A framework for statistical clustering with constant time approximation algorithms for K-median and K-means clustering
We consider a framework of sample-based clustering . In this setting, the input to a clustering algorithm is a sample generated i.i.d by some unknown arbitrary distribution. Based on such a sample, the algorithm has to output a clustering of the full ...
Smaller coresets for k-median and k-means clustering
SCG '05: Proceedings of the twenty-first annual symposium on Computational geometryIn this paper, we show that there exists a (k, ε)-coreset for k-median and k-means clustering of n points in Rd, which is of size independent of n. In particular, we construct a (k, ε)-coreset of size O(k2/εd) for k-median clustering, and of size O(k3/ε...
A PTAS for k-means clustering based on weak coresets
SCG '07: Proceedings of the twenty-third annual symposium on Computational geometryGiven a point set P ⊆ Rd the k-means clustering problem is to find a set C=(c1,...,ck) of k points and a partition of P into k clusters C1,...,Ck such that the sum of squared errors ∑i=1k ∑p ∈ Ci |p -ci |22 is minimized. For given centers this cost ...
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Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.
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