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Information avoidance behavior on social network sites: : Information irrelevance, overload, and the moderating role of time pressure

Published: 01 June 2020 Publication History


This study aims to examine the factors leading to information avoidance behavior on social network sites.
Information irrelevance directly leads to information avoidance behavior.
Social network fatigue partially mediates the impact of information overload on information avoidance behavior.
Social network fatigue fully mediates the impact of social overload on information avoidance behavior.
Time pressure strengthens the effect of social network fatigue on information avoidance behavior.


Drawing on the stressor-strain-outcome framework, this study investigates how information irrelevance and overload induce social network fatigue, and the relationship of these variables to users’ information avoidance behavior. It also examines the conditions under which social network fatigue is more likely to be translated into information avoidance behavior. The analysis of data collected from 341 users of WeChat Moments suggests that information irrelevance directly leads to information avoidance behavior, and social media fatigue as a mediator partially mediates the impact of information overload on information avoidance behavior and fully mediates the impact of social overload on information avoidance behavior. Furthermore, time pressure strengthens the effect of social network fatigue on information avoidance behavior. This study fulfills the identified need for an in-depth investigation of actual discontinuous behavior in social network services (SNSs) by investigating information avoidance behavior and its antecedents. The findings provide SNSs providers with guidelines on how to manage users’ behavior so that they remain active users of the SNSs.


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  1. Information avoidance behavior on social network sites: Information irrelevance, overload, and the moderating role of time pressure
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          cover image International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals
          International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals  Volume 52, Issue C
          Jun 2020
          493 pages


          Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


          Publication History

          Published: 01 June 2020

          Author Tags

          1. Information avoidance behavior
          2. Social network sites
          3. Information irrelevance
          4. Overload
          5. Time pressure


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