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Third-party mobile app developers' continued participation in platform-centric ecosystems

Published: 01 February 2016 Publication History


As suggested by the reviewer, we have provided a detailed literature review that classifies the extant research in the field of mobile phones and services. Our literature review indicates several streams of prior research, including studies focusing on general topics (e.g., mobile innovations adoption, m-commerce) as well as studies investigating recent practices related to mobile applications and platforms. The latter (i.e., mobile application and platform research) is more discussed in our review because it is more relevant-we have classified it into three sub-categories in terms of whether a research is relatively consumer-, developer-, or platform provider-oriented.In the revised manuscript, we have added another limitation to acknowledge the potential risks of rewarding survey respondents, based on relevant literature.We have also acknowledged the lack of discussion regarding digital disruption and further elaborated the idea of model improvement in light of the issue. Platform-centric ecosystems run by Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc. enable the companies to magnify the values of their products and services on an unprecedented scale, by harnessing third-party add-on software such as mobile apps. Despite the importance, however, there is a dearth of empirical research that investigates how third-party developers' continued participation is actually determined. This paper examined two different mechanisms increasing dedication to a platform and constraining exit from the platform, respectively. Specific factors in each mechanism and their casual relationships were tested and discussed in the context of Apple's mobile platform.


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    cover image International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals
    International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals  Volume 36, Issue 1
    February 2016
    182 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 01 February 2016

    Author Tags

    1. App store
    2. Dual model
    3. Mobile apps
    4. Platform-centric ecosystems
    5. Third-party developers


    • Research-article


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    • (2020)How do Business Factors Affect Developers in Mobile Software Ecosystems?Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems10.1145/3411564.3411571(1-8)Online publication date: 3-Nov-2020
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