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Personalizing persuasive technologies

Published: 01 May 2015 Publication History


This paper discusses how persuasive technologies can be made adaptive to users. We present persuasion profiling as a method to personalize the persuasive messages used by a system to influence its users. This type of personalization can be based on explicit measures of users tendencies to comply to distinct persuasive strategies: measures based on standardized questionnaire scores of users. However, persuasion profiling can also be implemented using implicit, behavioral measures of user traits. We present three case studies involving the design, implementation, and field deployment of personalized persuasive technologies, and we detail four design requirements. In each case study we show how these design requirements are implemented. In the discussion we highlight avenues for future research in the field of adaptive persuasive technologies. Author-HighlightsPersuasive technologies can be more effective if they are personalized.We introduce persuasion profiles to personalize persuasive messages.Persuasion profiles can be effective using implicit or explicit measures.In three case studies we show the effects of personalized persuasion.


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    International Journal of Human-Computer Studies  Volume 77, Issue C
    May 2015
    66 pages


    Academic Press, Inc.

    United States

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    Published: 01 May 2015

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    1. Adaptive persuasive systems
    2. Persuasion profiling
    3. Persuasive technology


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