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Dynamic classifier selection

Published: 01 May 2018 Publication History


An updated taxonomy of Dynamic Selection techniques is proposed.A review of the state-of-the-art dynamic selection techniques is presented.Empirical comparison between 18 dynamic selection techniques is conducted.We discuss about the recent findings and open research question in this field. Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS) have been widely studied as an alternative for increasing accuracy in pattern recognition. One of the most promising MCS approaches is Dynamic Selection (DS), in which the base classifiers are selected on the fly, according to each new sample to be classified. This paper provides a review of the DS techniques proposed in the literature from a theoretical and empirical point of view. We propose an updated taxonomy based on the main characteristics found in a dynamic selection system: (1) The methodology used to define a local region for the estimation of the local competence of the base classifiers; (2) The source of information used to estimate the level of competence of the base classifiers, such as local accuracy, oracle, ranking and probabilistic models, and (3) The selection approach, which determines whether a single or an ensemble of classifiers is selected. We categorize the main dynamic selection techniques in the DS literature based on the proposed taxonomy. We also conduct an extensive experimental analysis, considering a total of 18 state-of-the-art dynamic selection techniques, as well as static ensemble combination and single classification models. To date, this is the first analysis comparing all the key DS techniques under the same experimental protocol. Furthermore, we also present several perspectives and open research questions that can be used as a guide for future works in this domain.


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Published In

cover image Information Fusion
Information Fusion  Volume 41, Issue C
May 2018
264 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 May 2018

Author Tags

  1. Classifier competence
  2. Dynamic classifier selection
  3. Dynamic ensemble selection
  4. Ensemble of classifiers
  5. Multiple classifier systems
  6. Survey


  • Research-article


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