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Social big data

Published: 01 March 2016 Publication History


The paper presents the methodologies on information fusion for social media.The methodologies, frameworks, and software used to work with big data are given.The state of the art in the data analytic techniques on social big data is provided.Social big data applications for various domains are described and analyzed. Big data has become an important issue for a large number of research areas such as data mining, machine learning, computational intelligence, information fusion, the semantic Web, and social networks. The rise of different big data frameworks such as Apache Hadoop and, more recently, Spark, for massive data processing based on the MapReduce paradigm has allowed for the efficient utilisation of data mining methods and machine learning algorithms in different domains. A number of libraries such as Mahout and SparkMLib have been designed to develop new efficient applications based on machine learning algorithms. The combination of big data technologies and traditional machine learning algorithms has generated new and interesting challenges in other areas as social media and social networks. These new challenges are focused mainly on problems such as data processing, data storage, data representation, and how data can be used for pattern mining, analysing user behaviours, and visualizing and tracking data, among others. In this paper, we present a revision of the new methodologies that is designed to allow for efficient data mining and information fusion from social media and of the new applications and frameworks that are currently appearing under the "umbrella" of the social networks, social media and big data paradigms.


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cover image Information Fusion
Information Fusion  Volume 28, Issue C
March 2016
99 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


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Published: 01 March 2016

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  1. Big data
  2. Data mining
  3. Social media
  4. Social networks
  5. Social-based frameworks and applications


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