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Video game values: Human-computer interaction and games

Published: 01 March 2007 Publication History


Current human-computer interaction (HCI) research into video games rarely considers how they are different from other forms of software. This leads to research that, while useful concerning standard issues of interface design, does not address the nature of video games as games specifically. Unlike most software, video games are not made to support external, user-defined tasks, but instead define their own activities for players to engage in. We argue that video games contain systems of values which players perceive and adopt, and which shape the play of the game. A focus on video game values promotes a holistic view of video games as software, media, and as games specifically, which leads to a genuine video game HCI.


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Published In

cover image Interacting with Computers
Interacting with Computers  Volume 19, Issue 2
March, 2007
170 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2007

Author Tags

  1. Activity theory
  2. Computer games
  3. Play
  4. Semiotics
  5. Value
  6. Video games


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