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Designing interfaces that support formation of cognitive maps of transitional processes: an empirical study

Published: 01 July 2005 Publication History


Many conditions, phenomena, and concepts are of a transitional nature. Transitional processes involve change from one form to another, such as biological, chemical, and geological metamorphoses. Transitional processes take place in time-space and are not always easy to encode, communicate, and understand. The purpose of this research is to investigate how to design human-computer interfaces that support users in their formation of cognitive maps of transitional processes. To conduct this investigation, geometric shapes were used as the testbed, and their metamorphic transformations were captured and communicated using three different interface styles: temporally stacked, spatially distributed, and spatio-temporal. The usability and effectiveness of each interface was evaluated. The results of the study indicate that the spatio-temporal interface is the most effective of the three interfaces. The findings of this research imply that many kinds of transitional processes, such as rock metamorphoses, historical changes, or economical processes, may best be explored and understood using spatio-temporal interfaces.


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  1. Designing interfaces that support formation of cognitive maps of transitional processes: an empirical study



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    Published In

    cover image Interacting with Computers
    Interacting with Computers  Volume 17, Issue 4
    July, 2005
    132 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Elsevier Science Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 2005

    Author Tags

    1. Cognitive tools
    2. Interaction design
    3. Spatial representations
    4. Temporal representations
    5. Visual metamorphosis
    6. Visual representations


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    • (2023)Effect of display platforms on spatial knowledge acquisition and engagement: an evaluation with 3D geometry visualizationsJournal of Visualization10.1007/s12650-022-00889-w26:3(667-686)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2023
    • (2020)Collaborative behavior, performance and engagement with visual analytics tasks using mobile devicesHuman-centric Computing and Information Sciences10.1186/s13673-020-00253-710:1Online publication date: 22-Nov-2020
    • (2014)Adjustable properties of visual representationsJournal of the Association for Information Science and Technology10.1002/asi.2300265:3(455-482)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2014
    • (2013)Search Strategies in Hypermedia Navigation and Spatial AbilitiesProceedings, Part III, of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Contexts of Use - Volume 800610.5555/2959924.2959941(136-145)Online publication date: 21-Jul-2013

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