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Examining the relationships among e-government maturity, corruption, economic prosperity and environmental degradation: A cross-country analysis

Published: 01 December 2013 Publication History


There is growing interest in the role and contribution of e-government to the levels of corruption, economic prosperity and environmental degradation of nation states. In this paper, we use publicly available archival data to explore the relationships among them. Results substantiate a significant relationship between (1) e-government maturity and corruption; and (2) e-government maturity, economic prosperity and environmental degradation through the mediating effects of corruption. The findings suggest that while e-government maturity did not contribute to economic prosperity and environmental degradation, its value could be realized indirectly via its impacts on corruption. Our findings contribute to the theoretical discourse on e-government impact by identifying the role of e-government in a country and provide indications to practice on enhancing its economic prosperity and lowering its environmental degradation by managing the levels of e-government maturity and corruption.


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    cover image Information and Management
    Information and Management  Volume 50, Issue 8
    December, 2013
    75 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


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    Published: 01 December 2013

    Author Tags

    1. Archival data
    2. Corruption
    3. E-government maturity
    4. Economic prosperity
    5. Environmental degradation


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