Parallel intersection counting on shared-memory multiprocessors and GPUs
Parallel strategies for 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform in shared memory systems and GPUs
In this work, we analyze the behavior of several parallel algorithms developed to compute the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform using both OpenMP over a multicore platform and CUDA over a GPU. The proposed parallel algorithms are based on both ...
Leveraging Multiple GPUs and CPUs for Graphlet Counting in Large Networks
CIKM '16: Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge ManagementMassively parallel architectures such as the GPU are becoming increasingly important due to the recent proliferation of data. In this paper, we propose a key class of hybrid parallel graphlet algorithms that leverages multiple CPUs and GPUs ...
Bringing Auto-Tuning to HIP: Analysis of Tuning Impact and Difficulty on AMD and Nvidia GPUs
Euro-Par 2024: Parallel ProcessingAbstractMany studies have focused on developing and improving auto-tuning algorithms for Nvidia Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), but the effectiveness and efficiency of these approaches on AMD devices have hardly been studied. This paper aims to address ...
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Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
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