Determination of the continuous completions of conditionally cancellative pre-t-norms associated with the characterization of (S,N)-implications: : Part II
Determination of the continuous completions of conditionally cancellative pre-t-norms associated with the characterization of (S,N)-implications: Part I
AbstractThe continuous completions of conditionally cancellative pre-t-norms defined in the regions linked to the characterization of ( S , N )-implications when S is a continuous t-conorm and N is a fuzzy negation with one point of discontinuity are ...
A general framework for the characterization of (S,N)-implications with a non-continuous negation based on completions of t-conorms
AbstractThe characterization of ( S , N )-implications when N is a non-continuous negation has remained one of the most significant open problems in fuzzy logic for the last decades. This paper constitutes the first progress in this topic. ...
Completeness of Hutton [0,1]-quasi-uniform spaces
This paper deals with completeness of Hutton [0,1]-quasi-uniform spaces. Recently, the first two authors, [J. Gutierrez Garcia, M.A. de Prada Vicente, Hutton [0,1]-quasi-uniformities induced by fuzzy (quasi-)metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (...
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