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HAKA: : HierArchical Knowledge Acquisition in a sign language tutor

Published: 01 April 2023 Publication History


A tutor for learning the Spanish Sign Language basic hand configurations.
Hand landmark extraction from a sequence of images.
Similarities between configurations using Procrustes analysis.
Multidimensional scaling analysis of the clustering of the hand configurations.


Communication between people from different communities can sometimes be hampered by the lack of knowledge of each other's language. A large number of people needs to learn a language in order to ensure a fluid communication or want to do it just out of intellectual curiosity. To assist language learners' needs tutor tools have been developed. In this paper we present a tutor for learning the basic 42 hand configurations of the Spanish Sign Language, as well as more than one hundred of common words. This tutor registers the user image from an off-the-shelf webcam and challenges her to perform the hand configuration she chooses to practice. The system looks for the configuration, out of the 42 in its database, closest to the configuration performed by the user, and shows it to her, to help her to improve through knowledge of her errors in real time. The similarities between configurations are computed using Procrustes analysis. A table with the most frequent mistakes is also recorded and available to the user. The user may advance to choose a word and practice the hand configurations needed for that word. Sign languages have been historically neglected and deaf people still face important challenges in their daily activities. This research is a first step in the development of a Spanish Sign Language tutor and the tool is available as open source. A multidimensional scaling analysis of the clustering of the 42 hand configurations induced by Procrustes similarity is also presented.


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  1. HAKA: HierArchical Knowledge Acquisition in a sign language tutor
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
          Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal  Volume 215, Issue C
          Apr 2023
          1634 pages


          Pergamon Press, Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 April 2023

          Author Tags

          1. Sign language
          2. Language tutor
          3. Action recognition
          4. Procrustes similarity
          5. Multidimensional scaling


          • Research-article


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