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The effects of consumer knowledge on message processing of electronic word-of-mouth via online consumer reviews

Published: 01 December 2008 Publication History


This paper investigates one type of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), the online consumer review. The study considers two components of review structure: the type and the number of reviews. Using the cognitive fit theory, we show that the type of reviews can be a key moderating variable to explain the inconsistent relationship between consumer expertise and WOM in previous research. This study examines which type of reviews cognitively fits consumers with a high (low) level of expertise. Using the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), we also investigate that the effects of the type of reviews and the number of reviews. The hypotheses were tested using a 2 (levels of expertise)x2 (types of reviews)x2 (number of reviews) mixed design including two control conditions. The results show that the effect of cognitive fit (the type of reviews) on purchase intention is stronger for experts than for novices while the effect of the number of reviews on purchase intention is stronger for novices than experts. This paper delivers managerial implications for online sellers providing consumer created reviews along with advertisements.


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Published In

cover image Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications  Volume 7, Issue 4
December, 2008
94 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 December 2008

Author Tags

  1. Cognitive fit theory
  2. Elaboration likelihood model
  3. Electronic word-of-mouth
  4. Expertise
  5. Online consumer reviews


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